

Why Choose SOI For Your Virtual Receptionist Solutions?

At SOI we provide virtual receptionist solutions. As such, we've written at length about the benefits of using a virtual reception service and how they work. What we haven't covered is why you should use SOI for your virtual receptionist solutions. In this article,...

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4 Simple ways to remove daily workplace distractions

New year, new you! Right? Have you set any New Year Resolutions? As a business owner, productivity and growth was surely at the top of the list. In 2017, one of the top concerns for business people was maximising on the time they spent working. With this in mind, here...

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How Does Hot Desking Work?

Hot desking is becoming more and more popular in Sydney and around Australia. Hot desking is where you rent a space from an organisation for daily, weekly or ongoing use. As suggested by the name, it's not necessarily a dedicated desk that's assigned to you; you're...

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Why Meeting Room Hire Should Be Your Secret Weapon

Did you know meeting room hire was even a possibility? If not, you're not alone. If you work from home, client meetings can be somewhat of a tricky situation. Depending on your type of work, inviting clients over to sit in your living room probably isn't congruent...

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What are The Benefits Of Using a Serviced Office?

Serviced offices in Sydney are a brilliant solution for those wanting to avoid traditional long-term office leases. Apart from being the more flexible alternatives, there are a number of reasons why using a serviced office in Sydney is beneficial to you as a business...

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Why I Need Virtual Receptionists?

Virtual receptionists are on the rise with business owners. They are discovering just how beneficial it is to have a professional receptionist answer your business calls. A virtual receptionist will not only help free up your time but also ensure you present a...

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Is Hot Desking for You?

Alternative workspaces are on the rise in Australia, and it's not hard to see why. Workspace arrangements like hot desking and casual serviced office leases provide business owners with increased flexibility all whilst keeping costs down. But with so many options,...

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Why Serviced Offices are on the rise

In 2017, business owners all over Australia are opting for serviced offices over traditional office space. The popularity of serviced offices is soaring and shows no sign of slowing down. What was once just a temporary solution for startups or remote teams has now...

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8 Surprising Must-Do’s When Setting Up A Business

If you are in the exciting (and daunting) phase of setting up a new business, you're no doubt a little overwhelmed and a little confused. There is so much to do and your to-do list just keeps getting longer. Many new business owners get distracted and veer off-track....

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Top 10 Reasons to Choose a Virtual Office

The business world has changed a lot over the years and there really is no normal or standard. Which is why a virtual office plays such a big part in the business world these days and is growing by the minute. How you operate and run your business is up to you and...

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